Thursday 3 November 2016

Improved School Magazine (Front Cover and Contents Page)

1 comment:

  1. Sukhpal, your front cover has been improved somewhat. You have now used a central image, which follows conventions, although this still needs to be more prominent, and should take up most of the page.
    The masthead has now been altered but it still needs to be bigger and although the strap lines are now more detailed, they could benefit from being along the sides of the page rather than placed all over the page - now there looks like there is too much going on. Alignment and more strategic layout needs to be considered more carefully next time.
    Your contents page is now better with the descriptions in a different colour and a smaller font, so it is clearer what they are.
    Your alignment has worked well, and now they do not run into the images.
    You still need to make sure that your images are related to the articles and the strap line - 'success for all through hard work and harmony' could probably do with being placed at the bottom of the page, so you can have contents page across the top of the page - you do not need the masthead from the front cover here again - just contents page.
    Consider these issues as you begin to create your music magazine.
