Thursday 16 March 2017

First Contents Page Draft

1 comment:

  1. WWW - There are clear links evident between your front cover and contents page Sukhpal and there are clear conventions being used here. Your page is well organised and utilises the house style successfully.
    EBI - I think the contents would be better with the CO on one line and the TEN on another line and then TS on the last line maybe? I'm not sure about the black and white image in the corner? What's it for? It doesn't really relate to anything on the page or the front cover - it looks like you have simply used it to fill some space.
    Again, 'features' as with 'magazine' on the front cover, needs to be in a different font - this doesn't fit with the style or genre of the magazine.
    Be careful with your images - he has different hair on each - you need to make sure there is consistency between the two.
    Not sure what the strap line Young V relates to here and which article it links with so consider this more carefully.
    The brief descriptors need to be written as a full sentence - don't randomly capitalise mid sentence.
    The picture of Simran looks plonked and again it's not clear what it relates to in relation to the contents or the main image. Can't you take a picture of them both together? This would work better.
