Sunday 19 February 2017

Second Front Cover Draft

1 comment:

  1. Sukhpal, this is an improvement from your first draft and I'm glad you have decided to go for the one image as I think this works much better and fits successfully with conventions.
    EBI - I think the puff at the side of the mast head might work better underneath the mast head. You could then make the mast head longer so it runs across the top of the page. I think you need to alter the font design on 'magazine' as it's too classical and sophisticated and doesn't really fit with the style of magazine you have created.
    With reference to the other images on the front cover - these are not yours so you cannot use them. All images need to be original. Could you take other images and use those instead?
    At the moment there appears to be three different anchorages which all relate to your main image but they are all in different places - you need to place all of this information together so it is clear that it is all related. The anchorage needs to run across the main image towards the bottom of the page.
    The strap lines on the left come too far out - align them more to the left and maybe move your image over so it is more central on the page.
    Best seller needs to be moved - a corner would be better rather than across the main image.
    I'm not sure what the events listing is linked to? It's not clear.
