Monday 8 May 2017

Evaluation: Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Firstly, the target audience of my magazine was a between the ages of 16 to 21. It covers wide range of personalities and views. The characters represented in this magazine are all British Rap/Hip Hop Artists. The artists are aged between 18 to 20 and they do represent the general population of the British youth. However, my media product doesn’t not portray a bad image of the British youth as they’re the age of 18 and 20 and are presented in respectable and formal manner within my magazine, by not showing and revealing body parts, gang signs and tattoos, followed by showing a patriarchal ideology. Both artists, especially Young V are portrayed in a suitable manner which reinforce and challenge the generic stereotypes and presentation of the British Youth. Moreover, due to these artists being quite well-known, it will motivate their fans to behave and prove the generic stereotypical society wrong of how the British youth are presented. Furthermore, my media product is also gender neutral, making sure that its meets both gender, by not undermining a certain gender in a certain manner, representing a certain gender as lower or high than one another. As mentioned before, the generic stereotypes of a Rap and Hip Hop magazine is to portray a sexualised female which would enforce a bad image on the British culture. These stereotypes is what my media product tries to challenge in a positive manner, as it presents the British youth as expressive, passionate, motivated and determined while growing up with a Diverse upbringing. Furthermore, the colours I’ve used within my magazine are quite neutral for both gender and age resembling that the black and white skinned individuals work equally alongside each other to portray a positive presentation. The use of red and yellow represents the separatism of each of the genres. Overall, my magazine is suitable for all individuals and social groups but is predominantly aimed at individuals aged 16 to 21. While also portraying and reinforcing the positive values and attitudes of the British youth differently and in a more positive view compared to other magazines within my genre.

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